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 2003 Cover-IT repairs (46L x14W 'x10'H)
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4415 Posts

Posted - 11/27/2020 :  13:25:01  Show Profile Send Cvans a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The dump will be another part of the solution.

I did what your doing 2 summers ago. It was hard hauling some of the stuff off but once it was gone and the place looked good again I realized I should have done it a long time ago. Surprisingly none of the stuff has been missed.
Good luck with your project.

East Central South Dakota

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

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5241 Posts

Posted - 12/13/2024 :  10:07:49  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So finally all "Hoops" are repaired. Working on the doors and extra strength before putting on cover. I plan to have the cover back on this year. Learned a lot so far. A replacement for a 14x46x10'h unit is like $6K, my repairs are getting up there with hardware maybe $500-700... My cleanup and repair time for hiring someone would probably be $500-700 a day... days I got into it this fall have been close to 8 to 10. Maybe some of my time spent cleaning up would be above the $6K and would be general yard cleanup... Short story these units are expensive. Hope to have a barn again and it will be dedicated to tractors this time.

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Posted - 12/13/2024 :  16:39:26  Show Profile Send skunkhome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I certainly thankful I don’t have to deal with snow.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty."

Benjamin Franklin
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5241 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2024 :  02:03:55  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So here is a picture where I've finally rebent six of the rear hoops which were broken. I've added a new top rail. It is now standing on it's own. There has been multiple 4 to 6 hour days of adjustments to get this where it is. Probably a few more adjustments and I'll throw a temporary tarp over this for this winter.
Yes snow load is a problem in this area, so there will be some improvements coming to help with that.

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5241 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2024 :  02:23:01  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Some work photos...

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5241 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2024 :  02:31:52  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To be fair the 2013 Blizzard was reporting 36" in my area and snow drifts were much higher. So only 3 feet killed this unit back 12 years ago.

Testing a Ocean State Joblot 30x50 tarp on the unit. Fits, well, but the plan is to put a layer of shrink wrap under this tarp.

32' x 65' 7 Mil, White Shrink Wrap

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4415 Posts

Posted - 12/28/2024 :  19:32:16  Show Profile Send Cvans a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What are you going to use to to shrink all that with? Going to take awhile to shrink all that with a Harbor Freight heat gun.

East Central South Dakota

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

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5241 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2025 :  20:38:09  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The video above aligns with my idea, and another video below shows that a standard heat shrink gun does emit a flame. Reaching high above the unit will be a challenge. I might only make an edge rope and use it like a tarp or hire someone experienced. Shrink wrap tools for large boats are pricey, so paying for a one-time job might be more practical.

Will be reviewing this company's solutions:

I’m making skirts from old shrink wrap to seal the bottom of the cover-it, stapling them to the bottom boards. Eye bolts in the pressure-treated 4x4s secure the current tarp, which I plan to use as a sacrificial layer over the original cover when it is installed later. I may also add shrink wrap for additional protection but am concerned about the weight of three layers on the original frame. Once the skirts are complete, I’ll address fixing the front door.

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5241 Posts

Posted - 01/04/2025 :  19:53:10  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here’s the plan: Use shrink wrap skirts to close gaps in the cover for winter. This should work for now, with the larger shrink wrap solution as a future project. Next, reinforce the front door and frame to handle heavier snow loads.

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Posted - 01/05/2025 :  02:16:47  Show Profile Send Cvans a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's interesting. I've never watched anyone use that shrink before. I'm really surprised after watching the guy with the weed burner how much heat that that shrink wrap will tolerate. We use a much thinner version of that shrink to cover our larger RC airplanes.
Thanks for the links.

East Central South Dakota

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

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5241 Posts

Posted - 01/06/2025 :  00:47:38  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You're welcome. I can see why I might just pay someone to do the final shrink-wrap layer. The gun was $659, and the 6' extension was another $439. Since I don't expect to do this more than once, purchasing such tools may be excessive. If I only need to make a bolt rope on the ground by folding the shrink wrap over it, I can use the weed burner from Harbor Freight. Otherwise, trying to shrink the material on the frame while standing 8' high on a ladder is likely not feasible. I have some used material that I’m going to test with before making any final decisions. For now, I'm set for the winter, minus the door.

Here's a picture to enjoy:

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4415 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2025 :  19:16:41  Show Profile Send Cvans a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If it's a single layer can you shrink it from the inside? Seems like it would be safer than working on a ladder from the outside.

East Central South Dakota

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

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5241 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2025 :  16:04:50  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cvans

If it's a single layer can you shrink it from the inside? Seems like it would be safer than working on a ladder from the outside.

That's an idea. I can test that theory before I try the big cover. So far the tarp has held up in two dustings of snow. We can get anywhere from 2" to 8" in the next two days... we'll see what happens next.

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4415 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2025 :  21:51:47  Show Profile Send Cvans a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I hope it held up to the snow. It will be interesting to hear if it shrinks as well from the back side. I don't know why it wouldn't. I look at your Allis with the yard broom and think of my Wheel Horse with an attachment like that. Mine works surprisingly well and I use the leaves to cover our strawberries.

East Central South Dakota

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

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5241 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2025 :  20:19:14  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The 917 is actually matched to that Allis lawn sweeper which is pretty cool, I am not sure if you can see the Allis emblem on the sweeper. I push the leaves to a huge pile in the back and then sweep the tracks. The cover held up this storm. The tarp material is not as tight as the original cover. So this spring if all is well, we'll pull this tarp off and fix what needs fixing. More updates as a learn to maintain this. :)

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