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General Information |
About this Website (This website is currently under construction. Please bookmark http://www.MichaelsTractors.com )
Please read the web site GOAL and TIPS documents. |
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10/12/2023 10:03:57 by: B112 |
Announcements General announcements about the hobby and community.
(Open to Registered) |
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10/07/2024 08:43:23 by: B112 |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Events and Shows This is a new topic which will list events of interest to fellow Tractor Fans. Also please feel free to follow up with pictures from such events and shows.
(Open to Registered) |
227 |
1539 |
03/04/2021 06:23:29 by: ac720nut |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Introductions Introduce yourself here with an "Around the Camp Fire" type of hello.
(Viewable by registered users) |
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3251 |
03/03/2017 01:21:39 by: skunkhome |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Latest News Latest news announcements in the restoration and collection of the original Simplicity and Allis Chalmers Garden Tractors.
Updates to this database can be found in the News Reel
Suggestion: Active_Topics finds all new postings.
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06/26/2015 10:01:55 by: B112 |
simply yakkin If it ain't about tractors, put it here.
Note: this forum will in the future require some sort of validated first/last name in your profile for access. Just to get it started, we'll wave that for the a little while.
(registered members only)
3433 |
35778 |
01/03/2025 21:10:11 by: B112 |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Site Suggestions, Questions and Tips Got a suggestion, question, idea or feature desire for the site. Join or start a topic here.
(Viewable by registered users) |
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06/22/2018 15:44:19 by: goingto |
The Tractor and Attachment Gallery Show off your tractors and/or attachment projects on tractors here. This will be mainly for photograph posts for "Show and Tell" about your machines. |
1163 |
11138 |
02/22/2023 15:52:24 by: Jon314 |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Allis Chalmers and Simplicity Garden Tractors |
AC / Simplicity Tractor Talk This topic is about how you use your tractor. The best implements, your restorations, etc. Please use the classifieds to sell things. (Viewable only by registered users) |
2344 |
19769 |
05/05/2024 19:11:03 by: 19luna57 |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Allis Chalmers & Simplicity Tractor Reference This section is a reference guide detailing the differences of each Simplicity and AC tractor model. One document will be for each Manufacturers number. This is specifically for the garden tractor models. (Read Only - public)
Was titled "B-Series & Simplicity 1959-70 Tractor Reference".
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01/21/2013 21:47:53 by: skunkhome |
skunkhome |
B-Series & Simplicity Classic Tractor Restoration This section is the contents of a book being written on a B-Series Restoration. Enter by reading the index. (read-only public access)
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01/04/2009 17:14:56 by: B112 |
skunkhome |
Buying/Pricing Guidelines This forum will be used to discuss the development of a pricing guideline book and where to source parts/supplies. Or if you want to talk about the value of something. (Open to Registered Users)
Goals/Index: http://www.michaelstractors.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=62
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11/09/2017 14:15:10 by: ac720nut |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Newer Simplicity & Allis Chalmers Tractor Notes This forum will be used to discuss features specifically for the newer Simplicity and Allis Chalmers Garden Tractor models (RBT's) and implements. (Viewable by registered users)
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02/25/2024 00:51:28 by: Cvans |
Power Max Reference Guide This area is under development and will be references to help restore your Power Max Tractor. (For public viewing)
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02/01/2012 21:52:48 by: B112 |
oldron |
Simple Attachments (Simplicity & AC) Reference This forum is being created to collect pictures and designs of Simplicity and Allis Chalmers Garden Tractor attachments which simply "pin" into the tractor or bolt in without customizing the tractor. Thus respecting the Simplicity name... (read-only public access) INDEX |
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10/06/2012 13:48:59 by: skunkhome |
skunkhome |
Simplicity and AC Lawn Tractors This area of the website is for discussing, gathering and developing references on the Lawn Tractor class machines (i.e. Broadmoor, Yeoman, etc.)
(Limited to Registered Users) |
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01/20/2021 22:08:46 by: skunkhome |
Simplicity Powermax & AC 616 620 720 Discussions The Simplicity 4040, 4041, 9020 Powermax & Allis Chalmers 616, 620, 720 specialty area. Please join in and say hello.
(Limited to Registered Users)
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7066 |
09/06/2022 13:49:08 by: B112 |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Other Tractors, Attachments and other projects |
Bush Hog Restoration [Under construction] This forum will be a collection of pictures, links and any information related to restoring Bush Hog Tractors. These are very rare tractors and there is limited information found so far. All posts subject to modification, review, etc. This is not a club, it's an information warehouse trying to help in restorations. All contributations are public domain. (open for contributions) |
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06/11/2017 11:51:55 by: olcowhand |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Other Garden Tractors Collection of notes on other tractors, no focus yet. |
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1673 |
07/21/2022 22:15:41 by: Cvans |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Other Projects (mechanical/electrical) Use this topic to discuss other engine, machine, tool or garage projects. Shop type talk. (Open for contributions) |
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01/27/2025 13:56:45 by: Cvans |
Various Pictures, Videos and Website Links Started as a place to collect videos of tractors; now moving this toward a general collection of information.
Note: I didn't realize that this forum wasn't available to be seen until I was told today. Anyway, this is still under development. I am opening it up for the fun of viewing until I figure out a good use. Michael(B112)
(Public Viewing - readonly) |
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05/01/2009 09:37:08 by: B112 |
Classifieds (Open & Free - subject to review) |
0. Newest Classified Advertisements |
1. For Sale Tractors |
2. For Sale Attachments |
3. For Sale Parts |
5. Wanted Tractors |
6. Wanted Attachments |
7. Wanted Parts |
Snitz Forums 2000 |
Testing Forums This forum gives you a chance to become more familiar with how this product responds to different features and keeps testing in one place instead of posting tests all over. Happy Posting!  |
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11/26/2013 22:24:44 by: wlewis379 |
olcowhand, oldron, skunkhome |
Statistics |
831 of 2399 Members have made 85349 posts in 22 forums, with the last post on 01/27/2025 13:56:45 by: Cvans. |
There are currently 9476 topics. |
Active Users: Current number of users logged in is 0 Highest ever was 1 on 3/6/2007 9:10:49 PM |
Please welcome our newest member: dexterburch. |