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Posted - 03/05/2007 :  20:00:16  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message
About this Website

Welcome to Michael's Tractors founded February 28th 2007, this website is specializing in the restoration of the older years of Simplicity and Allis Chalmers Garden Tractors. Please note that the main entry point is the URL "http://www.MichaelsTractors.com" and things are still changing. After you read below, also look at the Tips.

The goal of these websites is to assist Garden Tractor owners with restorations. This will be done by publishing magazine style articles and pointing out other publications (other sites) in order to help others with the original restoration of their machines. This site is currently focused on the older years of the Simplicity and Allis Chalmers Garden Tractors because Michael(B112) is focused on those. As the site interest grows, other tractor types would be considered, but subject mater participants will be needed for that. All are welcome to help with this goal.

This web site will use both a "blog" type of discussion format and private discussion forums. Currently this site is under construction and is really only a peek into a notebook of information being gathered from various resources. Others sharing this interest are encouraged to register, browse and contribute. Some new forums will be offered soon to encourage folks to join in. For now, just keep reading the "News Reel" and look for new posts using the "Active Topics" link. Unfortunately, nothing shows you the edits to articles being written, thus those updates will be in the "News Reel".

This website will not try to organize a "club", but would support a club, group, or sub-club usage. The key theme will be to find ways to keep restoration information readily available, organized and where possible free. This is to support the hobby of collecting these tractors for work, show, and maybe just collection.

Copyright/rules, etc. For now be good, you are sharing your work contributing it for public use. All writers and photographers will retain their rights to their work and may take it with them, but once you contribute or share your work with anyone else's work you have granted it's use to the other writers and this site. Each message posted is the opinion of the original poster. Please respect copyright, this site will quickly remove content which is questionable and not appropriate. Only links to free sections of other websites can be referenced. If there is any question on copyright or if a link becomes unavailable, just send a note referencing the need for correction. This site is under development and stuff may change. The general goals will not change. Communication and fairness will be a firm goal to resolving any problems.

Moderator rules, etc. A Moderator's responsibility is first and foremost to this site. You were chosen for moderator status because it was believed that you had the maturity and responsibility to follow the rules of the site. NO MODERATOR IS ABOVE THE SITE RULES - EVER. Your responsibility is to the members of this site. Never engage in public arguments with moderators or other site members.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is "use at your own risk". Any information provided by this website is only a suggestion on how to approach a given problem. The Web administrators, advertisers, sponsors, or owners) assume NO RESPONSIBILITY for the accuracy or usability of any information provided.

IMPORTANT: All the above rules depend on anyone posting agreeing to the following by the ForumCo:


Thus there will be no charging to use this forum. The rules of this site may be ammended at anytime. Please remember, this site is actively under development.

Also this reference on copyright will be used to test whether something is appropriate or not for this site:
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