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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1014211 Posted - 05/29/2010 : 14:33:33
My dad picked this up at a garage sale this morning. I can only find reference to the square dump cart. Anyone know a mfg # for this? It looks good and solid. When I get done with my sons Broadmoor I'm going to touch this up as well, it will look nice behind any one of the tractors.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
simplelife Posted - 05/30/2010 : 11:56:24
I have seen couple of them in our area over the years. A couple of years ago there was one sitting in a front yard with a For Sale sign on it. I was only a few miles from town so I went ahead and got my gas and returned to find someone loading it up! There wasn't anyone around when I went by the first time and was gone for less than 15 minutes.
Denny Posted - 05/30/2010 : 06:17:19
I think Radio built them for anybody that wanted their name on it,,, we had one,,red and white,, had "Snapper" name on it. They used wheelbarrow tubs.
1014211 Posted - 05/30/2010 : 05:51:59
So do you think somebody painted it and just put some stickers on it? I wonder if it was actually sold through a Simplicity dealer.
B112 Posted - 05/29/2010 : 21:47:04
Mack, I didn't want to put pressure, but I was thinking you'd be one of those guys who knew what that was!
Mack Posted - 05/29/2010 : 21:03:20
I had one of these for a while.

B112 Posted - 05/29/2010 : 19:28:48
very nice! Sorry, never saw this or the mfg# for that. There are a few guys on the site who have found these obscure attachments, so stay tuned!

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